Sunday, June 12, 2011

GPS... Recalculating

I don't own a GPS system but have borrowed one recently - I'm now hooked! There is something overtly comforting to know you will always know where you are headed when you have this system turned on. If you make a wrong turn, it recalculates and tells you so - then tells you how to get back on track. I was thinking about how soothing it would be to have a life GPS - you can take turns on a whim and if it's a wrong turn, it'll recalculate you back on the right path. There are so many uncertainties in life - would be nice, huh?

Friday, June 10, 2011


I just had a chat with a friend yesterday (over our homemade coconut cheesecake which she served us for lunch) about another blog and their topics of different pitfalls for different moms. There are so many different types of moms whether it be discipline differences, work differences, socio-economic differences, age differences - the list is endless. I myself have been both a working mom and now a stay at home mom (who every now and then has meetings about random writing jobs). What my pal and I were chatting about was the opinion so many fellow moms have of SAHM (stay at home moms)... we have nothing to say or add to a conversation. The debate of which is better or harder are endless and both have very viable arguments. The only thing I can speak to is that most of the moms that stay at home around me or are in my social group are educated and super interesting women. Some had very high stress and demanding jobs outside of the home pre-staying home. Some have very difficult kids (be they physical or bratty limitations), difficult husbands, difficult teachers... it's not all talk shows and pool parties (although I need to wrap this up to join some ladies at the pool :). We need breaks just like anyone else needs a day off - only our request processor is generally a cranky toddler or an opinionated 9 year old! The truth is that it was a big adjustment when I started to stay home. Admittedly, I still had my 1 year old still go to the babysitter one day a week so I could ease into it one toe at a time. When I did have him at home with me full time a few months later, I always felt guilt about how I should be spending my time. Should I have the house clean everyday when my husband came home or have dinner waiting - Should my son be well behaved in public because I couldn't blame the bad habits on what he was picking up at the sitters - it was all me all the time and it was a lot of pressure. What I've come to realize is that these fears are still there, but all moms (working or not) feel the same pressures and fears... the tough obstacle are those moms who pretend they don't and try to make other moms feel inferior - luckily, I don't surround myself with these kinds of ladies - my ladies are real, genuine women who I am very lucky to have in my life.
I love staying at home with my son and am grateful to have a partner who supports my decision but I am very well aware that it's not for every one's patience level nor is it every woman's desire. All I ask is that you know that I speak for the moms everywhere who like to have conversations about topics that don't have to do with the best deal on notebooks, laundry detergents, or recipes... those tips are appreciated though! We read, we've studied, we struggle and defend...