Monday, April 14, 2014

Random Hearts

A favorite... the shadow on my apple stem
My friends and family know that I started to notice hearts everywhere I go a little over a year ago.  At first it was random - hence the name "Random Hearts" or "RH."  Not an exact shape of a heart but something in nature or that isn't supposed to be heart shaped, but there it is.  I know there is now a famous book that highlights similar findings by Drew Barrymore but it's not quite the same.  I don't notice things that people make into hearts or the things that are supposed to be heart shaped - not as much anyway. The greatest are the most random and when I'm least expecting it. Over the last several months, however, it went from every few months to seeing them EVERYWHERE! Probably five to ten times a day.  In the dirt, in cocoa, on a wood grain, in a garden, in the sky, in the sink... you get the picture.  I also love that now I have several close folks who think of me when they see a "RH" and send me pics... especially my little 6 year old niece who sees them everywhere too (LOVE!)...

I know a lot of folks don't believe in signs, but I do.  If you don't, feel free to browse the pics or skip to another post.
The bean in my tortilla soup
I've recently experienced some bumpy roads and I don't think it's coincidence that I see hearts more and more; especially when I need to see them most.  To me, I take it as a sign that my guardian angel, my Nana, wants me to know I'm not alone.  My philosophy is, if I'm wrong - who does it hurt??  An example of some heart sightings was while having an emotional lunch with my mother, through my tears (not invoked by my mom BTW) I saw seven hearts at the table over the course of the meal.  Totally random from a bean in my soup to some cilantro on a dipped chip... I know it sounds crazy but I wasn't looking for them - they just stuck out to me.

My mossy bark
One afternoon I was substitute teaching in a fifth grade class and there were some boys that were kind of a tough bunch to crack. On the playground, I noticed them kind of wandering around in a pack.  I asked if they wanted to go on a treasure hunt - obviously, they loved it!  I posed the challenge to find hearts in nature - they were pretty creative.  My very favorite was this mossy piece of bark that one of the boys found on the track.  The only problem came when they realized they didn't get a prize for 'best heart.'  They forgave me anyway :)
*Challenge - take a deep breathe and look around sometimes, you never know what you may notice out there.. Note that there is no prize offered in this challenge