Wednesday, April 30, 2008

In Awe...

Cover of the Middle Place

There are a couple kinds of people that blow me away... one is when people are amazing yet humble and the other is average people who become great (although a part of them was always great undercover). My point is that I'm not easily in awe. The day before yesterday, I opened my blog and was speechless. There was a comment with my last post that I assumed was a fellow blogger or my friend who loves to give me an encouraging word on my blog every now and then. When I put on my last post that I read a new book which I enjoyed and gave kudos, I had no idea the author of the book (Kelly Corrigan) would be reading said post and commenting subsequently. I was so taken aback because not only does she stay very busy with a family and writing career of her own, but in addition has speaking engagements and fans out the wazoo to correspond with daily. I'm deeply touched that she took the time to comment and was only regretful that it was one of those times that I just wrote and wrote but didn't really proof - I thought 'I can't believe the sentence structure and wording that she's seeing... not to mention the fact that I really didn't recap fully what the essence of the book was because I didn't want to give anything away to anyone who may want to read it...' my own insecurities but I wish I had taken a little more time before posting if I thought about anyone but own group reading it! Needless to say I have told anyone that I have referred the book to that there was a surprise comment on my latest blog post and it just endears them even more so to The Middle Place (cover pictured above). Anyone who reads it... I would love to chat about it if you'd like. It really resonated within me on so many levels.

I'm in the process of applying to be on the Governor's board of visitors to VCU... (Governor Tim Kaine) - keep your fingers crossed on that one. I just feel so passionate about VCU and hopefully it will be reflected in my application. I definitely realized how "undecorated" I am until I filled out the application - asking what appointments I've received in the past; which merit awards and/or scholarships I've received previously; which degrees or honorary degrees I possess... I've got a BA in English which I am extremely proud of, but an honorary PhD I'm not! Hopefully passion will supersede awards and honorary degrees! My mom, who is contemplating applying for the very same appointment, has definitely instilled a drive in me that can challenge those blank spots on the app... we'll see how it goes down :)

Saturday, April 19, 2008

New Beginnings

It's been a while since I've blogged, but definitely not for lack of material. My son and I went to New York to celebrate my parents anniversary and stayed with my grandparents. Parker has been a couple of times before but didn't remember - it was so great. I felt like a little girl but trying to still carry out my "momly" responsibilities. He was so comfortable from the very beginning and would follow my grandmother around the house - which I loved. The trip was relaxing and I always have fun just being able to do fun things with Parks that we don't normally get to do.

I'm also working with some folks at VCU to continue with the sale of the book but maybe in a different direction. Not sure how that works as there have been lots of shifts around. Getting back into town and back of the swing of things has taken all week! I couldn't believe it took that long, but between the house, activities at school, t-ball, and meetings... it's already Saturday!

I'm hoping to work a book fair at the end of May and it may be the swan song for promotions (for right now anyway). I've been able to do so many great things with the book and promoting has been great - but I think it's time (unless of course I get special requests). I'm absolutely ready for some new beginnings in the literary world. Speaking of literary... I just read a great book recommended to me by a friend called "The Middle Place," by Kelly Corrigan (Sp?). It's autobiographical and her story about a father-daughter survival story. She battled breast cancer and her father (and his family) had a history of prostate cancer - the story really revolves around her being someones daughter while balancing the childhood of her own children and the fact that they needed her. It was touching and entertaining and I could really relate to so much of it. 2 thumbs up!

Who knows what the next month has in store... stay tuned!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April Fools!

Well, I finally heard from Red Cygnet and they are shifting some things around in their '09 catalog and they are going in a different direction. The good news is (which is actually how they posed it to me) that my submission was among the top ten that were under consideration before the re shifting. There were 90 submissions - so I have to keep the positive in perspective with the disappointment. I was very grateful that the publisher took the time to write me a personal note - that doesn't happen very often (extremely rare). He did say that they will keep in touch, because they did really like my submission, for future catalogs (the catalog is how they sell their books to distributors - like any books they publish in Fall of '09 is their Fall '09 Catalog - seems simplistic, but you never know who's familiar). Hopefully "The Panacake Dance" will happen at some point. There was a great illustrating team with it as well - fellow SCBWI member (one of their illustrations below). The most disappointing aspect is that there have been two different projects that have been really promising with a great illustrator (renowned) on board and it just didn't come to fruition. Anyone who has submitted in this industry knows that it is so super hard to break through, but when you get so close I think it's the hardest.

Illustration by Livia Coloji

Back to fun stuff ~ April Fools! I would've loved for my message last night to have been a prank from the fun loving publisher, but it was a couple of hours too early pacific coast time! I played a few pranks this morning - switched out my husband's contact case for one with just solution, switched my ipod for his (to which he's addicted) and gave my son water instead of the allergy medicine (which is clear) that he was wincing to take. It was pretty fun - I also emptied my hubby's underwear drawer by hiding every pair... my son enjoyed some green milk with his cereal ... hopefully he'll enjoy his lemon wedge mixed in with his orange slices I put in his lunch :)! That'll teach them to fall asleep before me...Have a great April Fools everyone!