Monday, September 8, 2008


To a lot of different groups, Bunko can have a wide range of definitions. It's a dice game with 12 rounds - you roll 3 die at the same time and see how many times you can roll the number corresponding with the round number (round 1 - you try to roll ones - and so on). When you roll all 3 die with the same number as the round (round 1 - 3 ones - and so on :) - it's Bunko! Some groups play for cash prizes; some groups don't really play, they just drink; some groups are couple groups; the possibilities are almost infinite. I belong to a Bunko group that is made up of 12 ladies (not all in my neighborhood) who enjoy getting out once a month to relax and step outside of themselves a little. For that few hours a month, we are not just someones mom or wife or chauffeur - we are women and friends. Sure, we talk about our families and activities, but really it's minimal. We mainly tell stories (I love the ones that some may deem inappropriate), share restaurant reviews, tv recaps, or just enjoy the cocktail du jour (we usually enjoy a specific drink with the different hostesses). The food is different in every house also - ahhh, the food! Most of us don't even eat dinner before so we can fill up on the goodies the hostess has prepared. It has become my only steady vice. I'm very fortunate to have a husband who comes home early so I can get ready in peace and leave with zero guilt for not fixing dinner first or overseeing the bedtime routine. Not all women can say that - I know I'm lucky that way.
The group is so dynamic - no two of us are completely alike. We have corporate women, mothers of one, mothers of four, nurses, teachers, therapists - it definitely makes for great conversations. I've been a part of this group for going on three years now and we've had some pretty fun moments - I think one of my favorites was during an ipod playlist at one house, "Thriller" came through the speakers. I broke into the dance from the video and people rolled - they couldn't believe I knew the dance - I couldn't believe they didn't! What child of the 80's (or person who was alive during the 80's) wouldn't know this dance! I love making them laugh, so it was a great moment.
I raise my cocktail glass for all of those Bunko gals out there - mainly my group (not sure who reads this) - if you don't have a group... start one with 11 friends!