I am filled with all sorts of emotions today. For one, it's a historical day and a changing one. Some think the change is a negative and some see it as a revelation. I see this change as positive for no other reason than the other way wasn't working (to put it bluntly). Meaning - resources, the economy, the environment, etc. It's interesting to me that so many want to condemn President Obama before he's even taken office but put the former president on a pedestal even though we've seen 8 years of his work. I'm not even someone who was an activist either way in this election - however, I am ready for some positives. Whether it be positives in the statements that I hear around me or actions by political leaders. Today was a day of mixed signals for me and I've got to say it has definitely gotten to me at the core. I tried to feel promise and hope for tomorrow as the day progressed but it's been sullied by forwarded emails of negativity and facebook posts with slanderous messages - what is really the point of spreading the negativity? I can absolutely concede that there are several differing viewpoints on the state of our country and the future of our country - but how about making some statements in the affirmative for a change or keeping your opinion between close friends if it's a negative. We have enough gray in our lives right now with people losing their jobs, unaffordable health care, and oh yeah - a war! Let's try to lift each other and not knock each other down - including our new president. I was moved by his address today and it definitely gave me a glimmer of hope. My first wish is that this war is ended and the soldiers who still have their lives are able to return to their families - I wish this above the security of my finances or the security of my husband's job is total honesty. It makes me sick to my stomach that my son (who turns 7 in April) has never seen a day where our country is at peace in his lifetime - the September 11th attacks happened 3 days after I found out I was pregnant.
Lastly, Freedom of Religion is a freedom that we have in this country. Some may not agree with the religious choices made by their neighbor - but why does that neighbor have to be persecuted for their beliefs? My husband, son, and I pray each and every day (multiple times a day most days) and thank God for watching after us that day. Our prayers are very personal, private and very heartfelt - we teach our son to be grateful for every fiber of what makes us strong (physically and mentally) and we take no blessing for granted. I hear people say that this country has turned it's back on God. I'm not a debater because I get extremely worked up when I feel strongly about something - this is one of those topics. I am an American and I believe in God. I couldn't (or wouldn't) begin to quote the bible or damn anyone who disagreed with my viewpoint. I believe that people who truly feel as though we are a Godless nation should stop spreading negativity and judgement and begin to embrace positivity if they want to influence someone.
Now I'm off of my soapbox and I feel a little better.
God Bless America and Barack Obama