Sunday, March 4, 2012

Hi... My name is Stephanie M. and I'm an...

Addict!  I have such an addictive personality - I admit it.  I come by it honestly as it's genetic.  I get addicted to cleaning (yes, cleaning); I'm an addictive eater; I'm an addictive writer; I'm an addictive reader; I even exercise compulsively!  It's a crazy thing to say this is an issue when it's not drugs or alcohol (even though compulsive overeating ain't no joke but I digress).  But it is an issue.  I never really do things in small doses.  I have to fight my inner impulses to overdo and it's a total struggle!  When I help someone with a project - I want to take over and do it myself.  When I help my son with a costume for Halloween - it kills me to tone it down because he has no need to be the best.  When I clean my house - it's so annoying that I can't keep it clean or get it cleaner.  When I volunteer for something, I have to fight back the need to to volunteer for everything!
To those of you who know me, you most likely know my mom.  She is the person that you want on your picket line or committee and especially in your corner.  She does not do anything in moderation and it's why so many people in her life turn to her when they need something done right.  That being said - she's an addict too (sorry Mom :).  When she likes a pair of shoes, she buys it in five colors.  When she likes a bag, she gets every pattern made.  When she helps with an event, she ends up chairing it.  When she likes a recipe, she makes it for everyone she knows.  I'll write about how this has helped both of us another time but for right now - there's a point...
My son loves to read also... heaven help him - he gets addiction from both gene pools
The point is that I have added a new addiction to my long list - Books!  My husband is the culprit.  He is such an avid reader but reads so much faster than I do - he comes home with a stack of books from the library each time he goes.  It used to annoy me that he could just plow through them so quickly but then I decided if I couldn't beat him, join him.  Remember what I said about nothing in moderation - you see where this is going.  The ladies in my book club aren't much help either.  They are amazingly well read ladies who make recommendations all the time and I have to stop the madness!!  I subscribed to (which I totally recommend) and have been adding to my list of "to read" non-stop.  Between my goodreads app, my local library app (where I can put books on hold instantly), and my kindle - the flames of addiction are growing!  During a book club meeting a few months ago, I did have the strength to say "no" when the hostess offered me a book to take home that she recommended - I admitted to her that I was a book addict and I had to draw the line - the first step is acknowledging there is a problem so I think I'm on the right track.