Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Spring has Sprung... Just in time for Summer!

I know I'm behind and most people got into Spring back in the end of March, but the past week has really been the start for us. Maybe it was the rain; maybe it was delaying the inevitable full blown weeding; maybe it was the fact that we knew this year we had to say 'uncle' and finally pay to have a professional do some things we weren't doing successfully... who knows but it's in a good place as of today. We've had the mulching, the edging, the digging, the pulling, the planting, the cultivating, the watering, the weed-killer, the transplanting, the raking - not to mention the regular mowing and weed-eating. Sometimes it's relaxing - mainly the planting and the weeding (no I'm not crazy) - especially first thing in the morning before it gets hot and when Parker's at school - the air is crisp and the birds are chirping... very good time just to be with my thoughts. The yard, some new chairs, a new outdoor light fixture (actually I've changed it out three times so far since I decided to replace it a few weeks ago) and getting rid of a bunch of crud at a yard sale this weekend should all conspire to make it a very beautiful end of Spring for us. They also are great reasons for me to continue to procrastinate writing and submitting! I can't believe it's halfway through May and I have not submitting anything since I submitted to Red Cygnet at the end of December... I definitely needed a break but it's about that time. I just bought a new laptop (to help boost the economy :) for writing in changes of location but haven't taken advantage. I even got an optical wireless mouse from my boys as an early mother's day gift since I don't really like that pad at the bottom of a laptop that's supposed to be a mouse.
I'm hoping since Parker and I have planted a little veggie garden, I'll find inspiration while nurturing the tomatoes, cucumbers, and squash! Here's to making my tan thumb a little green...

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