Saturday, January 23, 2010

Dreaming in Color

Wow - I have never taken any dreams seriously - sometimes look for hidden messages, as I was raised in an ultra superstitious family - but that's about it. This morning was different - I felt this dream and was living amongst it - I put myself behind the eyes of this dreamviewer and it was really inspiring. I once saw an interview with Twilight author, Stephenie Meyer and she said that the start of the saga came to her in a dream - the meadow scene from the first book - and when she woke up, went to her computer and wrote it. The story developed from there. She had never written before and just went for it... obviously it paid off for her. Knowing that, when I woke up thinking so intently about this vision for a story (a novel) - I avoided conversation once I got out of bed, cleared my head a little to see what was foggy and what was still in my brain and went straight for my laptop - I typed feverishly as ideas flowed and more plot twists emerged. I focused on the most vivid part of my dream and just branched off from there - loving every second. Characters started to come out on the keys and the dynamic characters - I can tell already - will be hovering over my thoughts until they are developed on the page. I think the thing I like the most about this story is that there is a very strong female presence throughout the story - it wasn't even intentional, but as I went back to read over what I had written and the outline for the basic storyline, it was what transpired naturally. It just makes me happy to get into the writing spirit once and for all - ideas have been coming over me for the past couple of months - three different ones that are very strong still, but that hadn't flowed, they will - but this one I think will have to take the front seat for right now. Whatever the story, I'm just happy to have my creative flow here for the first time in a long time and finally feel like I am putting a little of my college education (and student loans) to good use. Stay tuned... :)

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