Thursday, December 27, 2007


Christmas has passed (a couple of days anyway) - my house is still crazy with stuff every where, but it was a great holiday. My son had "the best Christmas in the world" which I love. He was so grateful even over the smallest gifts... that meant a lot. Santa brought him a Nintendo DS and I am all for him playing it and enjoying himself since he just got it - but at lunch or dinner with just me; not so much! We went to do some after Christmas shopping yesterday and then got some tacos - I purposely did not let him bring his DS because he needed a break and I wanted to enjoy him. At the table beside us, this boy and his father were sitting together. The boy played his DS the whole time and his father played with his blackberry the whole time. We were there a good 45 minutes and neither one of them looked up for a second. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure there will be a time that I meet a friend for lunch and want for Parker to occupy himself - I'll be honest - I'm not above it! :) But that definitely got to me a little - I want to be able to enjoy my boy while he still has time for me!!

Happy New Year!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Merry Christmas!

I know this time of year is so busy for everyone - but it can be so exciting too! My son is at an age where he knows what's going on and that he really needs to try to behave - but he is so out of his skin excited - I was talking to him about Christmas this afternoon when he got off the bus and he just started laughing - no reason - just belly laughs that he couldn't control... I loved it! It was so sweet. This will be our first Christmas break together and my first instinct was to think of everything that I wanted to fit in before he was home - but now I am so thrilled about all of the things we get to do together. I am going to let him shop for my husband a little and we are going to wrap some things and maybe go on a light hunt at night - we pick random neighborhoods and just look for decorated houses - go get some Starbucks hot chocolate... simple things. Any big activities are so expensive. Ice skating, bowling, movies... I'd rather take him shopping and pick some things out post-Christmas. It has definitely been fun this year getting presents for the past few months (for the first time, I actually shopped early and put away) and then taking it out recently and wrapping. I hope I can pass along the joy to Parker of actually loving what you're giving as much as you're getting. I must admit people's gratitude (or lack there of) really puts a damper on my spirit sometimes - I just hope I can look past it this year. Some folks are genuinely grateful for whatever thoughts you had of them, and others are very obvious when they don't like what you got them. Christmas is so not about that - and I'm not even talking about kids necessarily...

Spread the joy and enjoy yourself this holiday! Also Merry 1st Christmas to my little niece, Elizabeth!!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Signings & Readings

It has definitely been a big couple of weeks. I have been presenting to elementary school classes (grades really) and have really enjoyed that. The kids come up with some really neat questions that I don't always expect - what's your favorite story you've written or how old were you when you started writing? - I really just expect questions about sports or Rodney Ram!

We had the signing at Barnes & Noble last Saturday which was very cool. It isn't like it is on TV or in the movies or anything because people certainly aren't lined up around the block or anything, but it is very rewarding to me to have anyone who liked the book want to chat about it or writing in general. There were some of the kids that attend the schools which I've presented to who came by with their parents. One little boy came up and told me he came because of seeing me at his school and when I asked him if I should sign a copy for him, he said, "I haven't decided if I'm getting one or not." I cracked up!! Susie (the illustrator) was able to join in for the last 45 minutes or so, so some people got their book double signed -hopefully they enjoy it as much as we do. 39 copies were sold and that includes some copies that Barnes & Noble purchased to keep in the store itself. They are signed by myself and Susie, so hopefully people will go get one for a Christmas gift.

In the back of my mind have been these two stories and one submission that are all due in December. One I just turned in (a story for WOW magazine - women on writing) about rejection really being a good thing in my life - all of my rejections have just pushed me harder and sometimes in a different direction - I should know if that was accepted by the end of this month. The other is my All About Kids article - which has already been approved (the "real mom" article) - it will be in the February issue but is due by the 31st of this month. The picture book submission due at the end of this month is for Red Cygnet and is my story called "The Panacake Dance." I worked on this last year with an illustrator and we were back a forth for the last few months of '07 and then finally toward the middle of December, it fizzled. I have a much stronger feeling this year and hope that it works out. We'll see, keep your fingers crossed.The last new piece of news for me is a bit of serendipity. I ran into a mom of a friend from high school (who I literally hadn't seen in - let's just say 10+ years) at a baby shower this weekend. She is guidance counselor for a middle school and asked if I would speak at their BETA club induction. She had seen the articles in the paper (RTD and ML) about the book and myself. All I could think of was a debate that my two little pals who walk home from the bus everyday with my son and I were having. They got off the bus and one said, "Mrs. McNamara - I saw you on our school TV today - you're famous!" the other one said, "no she's not. she only has one book - she needs atleast 3 or 4 before she can be famous!" the other one agreed and they continued to point out how far I have to go. When she asked me to speak, that's all I could think about :)! But then she pointed out that she wanted me to focus on persistence and working toward a goal - now that I can do!

Monday, November 19, 2007

a little breather...

We took Parker to the beach this weekend to see the holiday lights on the boardwalk. It was really nice to enjoy the ocean - the weather was beautiful! We were able to hear it in the mornings and at night - we rode bikes on the path and boardwalk. It was nice to shop a little and go to the museum and see an IMAX show on prehistoric sea monsters. Mainly it was just good to just separate ourselves from email, phone, and computers. That really was the bottom line, stopping to "smell the ocean" with the people who mean a lot to us (me). I am doing a presentation tomorrow to a group of 1st graders, Thanksgiving, and then next week the signing at Barnes & Noble - it's all very cool, but I wanted to take time to enjoy Parker loving the jacuzzi or riding his bike right on the ocean or him jumping at the 3-D aspect of the IMAX - life is pretty good!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

I'm a "REAL MOM"

Right now so many things are moving in the right direction. My books sold out at the book fair (20 copies), we're in for Barnes & Noble - the books are going to be sold in the stores, and I was chosen by All About Kids Magazine to be their "February Real Mom" for that section. It's all so awesome, but my brain feels like it's going to explode! I have 2 different articles that I'm writing that I need to do outlines for (seems easy, but not so much) and I'm going to 3 different elementary schools in November to speak/read about teamwork (again - isn't as easy as just picking up the book and reading it); plus I'm working against a deadline to submit a book proposal with an illustrator and I have a bump in the road toward finding an illustrator - but it's getting there. I will take this over no leads or promising feedback any day of the week - don't get me wrong; I am just constantly thinking/internally creating! I really love it, I just need to actually use my organizer and map out my time a little better. I also am itching to get back to some of my other picture book manuscripts and ideas to start submitting again. I submitted a chapter book that I've been working on for about 2 1/2 years and (after the 2ND revision from the editor and some revisions from experts... 7 and 9 year old mystery readers :) - but other than that haven't submitted anything in a while.

I am really excited about "All About Kids" because it will be a chance to get some things out there to other moms who try to work from home - which I do without the paycheck right now - who are balancing their schedule and their kids' and their husbands' and their housework. The deception some people have is that when you have one child (which I do) and stay home that you really aren't very busy - it's kind of insulting. With that logic - you aren't busy at all if you don't have children - does that make sense? It is totally granted that when you have 2,3,4 or more children that you worry that many more times and have that many more schedules to juggle - but you adjust accordingly, just like when you had one child and thought that was a crazy life. That's like someone who just had twins laughing at the person who had a single birth because their tired -why should they be tired with only one baby to take care of - do you get where I'm going with this? You can't expect someone to relate to your life because people can't put themselves in your shoes but so much - just like you can't put yourself in theirs... I've heard people saying you don't know what happens behind closed doors; true and by the same token, you have no idea what's truly going on in someones mind and heart or what baggage they have in their lives. I guess the bottom line is - I wish people tried to relate and understand and not judge.

This definitely turned into a little bit of a rant and a little heavy - sorry - my blog is just stream of consciousness sometimes ;) Check out All About Kids magazine online - very well put together and a great resource for parents!

Monday, November 5, 2007

What a rush!

I did the bookfair at my son's school and I enjoyed it so much. I was thinking it may be a little slow at first because I really was like the plague to a lot of parents - yikes a saleperson! But then people started to talk to me about VCU, their basketball program, writing, all sorts of stuff and I loved it. I love the book so much anyway, it's easy to talk about. I wanted to make sure parents knew they wouldn't hurt my feelings if they didn't buy it - that was a tough one I don't want anyone to feel obligated. The librarians were so great about welcoming me and making such a big deal about the book and me. I go back tomorrow and sold today what I thought I would sell both days - so we'll see. I have a bunch of events coming up after this one - maybe another book fair and some signings and readings. I really enjoy anyone who shows interest in the book and wants to chat about it - them buying it is icing on the cake!
I'm trying out some illustrators for this new project where I submit with the illustrator - which is pretty unorthodox with submissions. This particular publisher likes to give fresh graduates a chance and their books are so beautifully done. I'm editing the manuscript now so I can have it exactly how I want it when I send it to the illustrator - it's between 6 illustrators right now, I have my favorite though. I just want to think about it for a couple more days.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Lot's Happening...

There are so many cool things going on with the book. A load of book fairs and a holiday bazaar, not to mention all VCU homegames - the book is going to be in the Narnia bookstore (such a cornerstone in children's literature in Richmond). A big development yesterday - we may be able to have an event at Barnes and Noble (which would be a national connection if it works out) - keep your fingers crossed - that would be huge! There is such a buzz around the book - it's great. We have gotten such great feedback already and I really can't wait to start getting some messages about kids reading the book. I've only heard from adults. The team working on promoting the book down at VCU has been doing such a good job with coming up with creative ways to make it move - I'm trying to concentrate on community things for right now.

My son - a whole other topic! He's such an original and does things his own way - for a control freak of a mom; not such a fun thing! He marches to his own beat, that's for sure. He loves all of the Rodney Ram stuff, but I don't think he really gets it. Hopefully when he sees Rodney at some events with the book it will all seem to make sense - he does refer to me as an author -which is so cute. When we went to the pumpkin patch with his class, he told me to write "author" on my pumpkin since I was the only one I would know which pumpkin was mine. :) He was very sweet with his friends there... there was a little boy who got lost in the hay maze and went back in to help him (twice). It's definitely more like fall around here

Saturday, October 20, 2007

What a week!

This week has been a little crazy and I'm really glad to settle into the swing of things. It's a little nuts to think of people emailing me asking me to sign a copy of the book for them or talking to bookstore owners with them telling me how many books they want in their store. It's what I definitely hoped for and continue to hope for. The best compliment I get is when a child tells me that they enjoyed the book - so far it's been my son, nieces, and nephews - but hopefully that will increase! I went back to the Franklin Covey system of organizing my life - I used it when I worked and it was awesome - I highly recommend it to anyone who is pulled in different directions. Now that I would consider myself really freelance (2 more stories in the works from magazines), I don't want to let any contacts or notes slip through the cracks - my system of multiple sticky notes and a notepad weren't cutting it. I love the planner and really missed it! I was living off of my calendar in the kitchen for family things (my son's activities, school activities, my husband's travel schedule and family obligations) and then sticky notes for everything else. This past week was very much sticky notes galore! I finally (tonight) cleaned all of that up and rewrote things into my organizer and cleaned out some cabinets by the computer and some files from manuscripts and ideas past. I am really starting to feel like things are going to happen - now all I have to do is make sure they do :)

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

And We're Off!

The book launched today! It all seems a little surreal still, but it was very exciting. My mom and Chip both went with me - my mom was my PR agent as usual... she can't help herself! Coach Grant was such a great guy - so humble and soft spoken but his words definitely pack a punch with the kids. They were a little awe struck with him - so was I :). The promotions group from the Sports Center did such a great job with this - it was so well put together and went off without a hitch. The children really seemed to enjoy the book and grasped what was going on. It is always cool to see kids getting into the book and talking about the characters. They asked if I could come back and do some workshops with the kids on writing - I would love that. Kids' minds are so creative and flow so naturally - it should be fun. Chip was so great today - he did so much for me to make me feel like it was the big day that I forget sometimes. I really look forward to promoting this book and hope everyone enjoys it as much as I have.

Monday, October 15, 2007

1st Reading...

I had my first "appearance" today :) I went to my son's elementary school and the librarian interviewed me on the morning announcements - I then read it to his class and we chatted about it. One little boy gave me a thumbs up when I finished reading - pretty cute. It was really neat to look over at Parker and see him so proud. He was very proud of me and the story which was an amazing feeling. Tomorrow is the book launch and I'm very excited about it at the same time nervous. I'm sure it will go off without a hitch, I will just be ready for it to be out there already.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Best date ever, but don't tell my husband!

My son and I had the best date tonight - great relaxing dinner... we got dressed up and went to a nice restaurant in a neat area -just the two of us. After dinner we shopped - my son's suggestion and he absolutely detests shopping - but he suggested it because he knows it's something I enjoy. I guess you can't really understand the enormity of the sweetness behind that gesture unless you know how much he can't stand shopping! I have been instructed to run all errands and do all shopping while he's at school... This was perfect timing. I've been really stressed with too many thoughts of the book and launching and what I can do separately for my friends and family who have been so supportive through everything - not to mention worrying about if people are going to like it - so this evening was so perfect on so many levels. It really went straight to my heart. Also the fact that there was a little while there where he would rather pull his arm off than talk to me let alone go somewhere with me. Great night!! I'll treasure it always...

Sunday, October 7, 2007

The Book is In!

The book finally came back from the printer - patience is not my strong trait... but the book is in and I am so excited about it. It looks great although it is all still pretty surreal to be able to hold my book in my hand and actually have people look at it. This whole ride is going to be very unique, and I can't wait for it to start. It still isn't for sale, we are going to launch it at a local elementary school in about a week and a half and I'm guessing after that it will be for sale. Very cool...

Friday, September 28, 2007


First things first - this picture is of my beautiful niece, Elizabeth... she has me wrapped around her baby finger! She is wearing a little slip dress that my grandmother made in the late 60's for my cousin. It makes me so nostalgic to think of these delicate hand made things that came from a day when people used to take time and make things for people who meant something in their lives. I can't crochet, I can't sew, I'm not too good at needlepoint - but what I can do to pass on to the children in my family and from generations to come are my words. I feel like writing is my way of having a legacy that someone can tangibly pick up long after I am gone. They may not like the style and much like this slip dress, they may be noticeably worn, but it will be there from my mind, hands, and heart. Obviously, my son is my best contribution to this world and his wife will owe me a big thank you note one day (I'm totally not biased) - but by the time my grandchildren roll around he'll have his own spin on things. I welcome his strength and diversity of character - but my books will be a legacy without their own spin or opinion - exactly how I left them.
My Nana passed away in '92 and was not a wealthy woman. She would make or do anything for you because things of monetary value were not something she could offer. Her hands were severely arthritic, so later in her life, she was no longer able to crochet. It makes the things she was able to make so precious to me.
As she watches me everyday, I hope she realizes that no amount of money in the world could replace the handmade legacy she took the time, patience, and care to leave.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

October's gonna be great!

I am so excited about so many things to come in October. Not only can I decorate for Halloween, but the pumpkin patch is calling my name, not to mention the release of my first book! The book should be back from the printer by the end of this week and I am counting the minutes to see it. I can't believe it's happening, but it definitely didn't happen overnight - 2 years in the making. The illustrations in this book are absolutely awesome - Parker and I read it (my copy of printouts that I just printed myself) and he is fascinated... I love that! I can't wait for other people to finally be able to see what I've been so stoked about for so long. Off to sort through decorations - I know it's still September, but I have barely been able to wait this long - this picture is Parker as Superman last Halloween :)

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Attempt #6

I finally got the blog to link up with my site - it wasn't the way I wanted it to work, but it will do. there are so many people to keep posted on what's new with this process - I'm glad this will finally be a way to let everyone know. Hope you check in every now and then...

Friday, September 21, 2007

I thought I knew technology...

Okay - so I am trying to develop a website and now a blog and I thought I was technologically educated... I've got a long way to go! Anyway, I am so excited about all of this new learning because it is all linked to the launch of my new children's book. It will hopefully be released in October ('07). I am really proud of it and it has turned out absolutely beautifully - can't wait to write more about this adventure on which I'm embarking...
