Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Signings & Readings

It has definitely been a big couple of weeks. I have been presenting to elementary school classes (grades really) and have really enjoyed that. The kids come up with some really neat questions that I don't always expect - what's your favorite story you've written or how old were you when you started writing? - I really just expect questions about sports or Rodney Ram!

We had the signing at Barnes & Noble last Saturday which was very cool. It isn't like it is on TV or in the movies or anything because people certainly aren't lined up around the block or anything, but it is very rewarding to me to have anyone who liked the book want to chat about it or writing in general. There were some of the kids that attend the schools which I've presented to who came by with their parents. One little boy came up and told me he came because of seeing me at his school and when I asked him if I should sign a copy for him, he said, "I haven't decided if I'm getting one or not." I cracked up!! Susie (the illustrator) was able to join in for the last 45 minutes or so, so some people got their book double signed -hopefully they enjoy it as much as we do. 39 copies were sold and that includes some copies that Barnes & Noble purchased to keep in the store itself. They are signed by myself and Susie, so hopefully people will go get one for a Christmas gift.

In the back of my mind have been these two stories and one submission that are all due in December. One I just turned in (a story for WOW magazine - women on writing) about rejection really being a good thing in my life - all of my rejections have just pushed me harder and sometimes in a different direction - I should know if that was accepted by the end of this month. The other is my All About Kids article - which has already been approved (the "real mom" article) - it will be in the February issue but is due by the 31st of this month. The picture book submission due at the end of this month is for Red Cygnet and is my story called "The Panacake Dance." I worked on this last year with an illustrator and we were back a forth for the last few months of '07 and then finally toward the middle of December, it fizzled. I have a much stronger feeling this year and hope that it works out. We'll see, keep your fingers crossed.The last new piece of news for me is a bit of serendipity. I ran into a mom of a friend from high school (who I literally hadn't seen in - let's just say 10+ years) at a baby shower this weekend. She is guidance counselor for a middle school and asked if I would speak at their BETA club induction. She had seen the articles in the paper (RTD and ML) about the book and myself. All I could think of was a debate that my two little pals who walk home from the bus everyday with my son and I were having. They got off the bus and one said, "Mrs. McNamara - I saw you on our school TV today - you're famous!" the other one said, "no she's not. she only has one book - she needs atleast 3 or 4 before she can be famous!" the other one agreed and they continued to point out how far I have to go. When she asked me to speak, that's all I could think about :)! But then she pointed out that she wanted me to focus on persistence and working toward a goal - now that I can do!

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