Friday, November 14, 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Non-musically, I would say that anything Shakespearean is so far ahead of it's time it's amazing. My first time reading Shakespeare, it was so confusing, I couldn't even grasp the first page let alone the whole play. I think the first one I read was "Othello" - anyway, my professor recommended getting the book on tape and follow along - I tried and it really helped me listen and take in the story lines. The romantic twists and turns and the feuds and craziness and the conspiracies and jealousy - the remakes of his plays (modern movies) are all of the original wording, just modern settings. He was truly gifted.
I was able to listen to an author speak this week by the name of Julia Alvarez. I only caught the end of her speech because of a prior commitment, but she was so inspirational. A lot of her writings are semi-autobiographical regarding coming of age as an 'outsider' the USA but yearning to fit it while clinging to her own heritage. Her writing is pretty powerful and I am really excited to read further. The part that was moving to me, as a writer, was the crowd and winding line waiting for her to resurface in the lobby to sign books. There were hundreds of readers and fans waiting with their books open to the title page for 2 seconds in front of her. I guess it's hard to grasp as a reader how pivotal that is because the book signings depicted on television have ropes blocking the way for lines of fans and flashbulbs coming from eager photographers - in reality, you have to reach a best selling status (at the least) to be sought out in such a way. It's an honor to have people affected by your words that much - I look forward to touching someone through my words more and more with every release.
My advice would be to pick some songs (different eras and genres) and really listen to the words - several times even.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Back to school... back to reality
Monday, August 18, 2008
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
With my own two hands
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
The Good Life
Friday, July 18, 2008
The Only Child
Oh - and if Chipper is reading this - which he swears he does :)... Happy 10th anniversary! I love you and feel very lucky for our 10 years; ups and downs; and our only child. I look forward to the 25th
Friday, July 11, 2008
We've Got Spirit!
Saturday, July 5, 2008
The Ride Continues
Something neat happened the other day at my son's swim meet. A fellow swim parent came up to me - an acquaintance at the time whom I had seen around the pool - and said, "Your book was recommended to me because my son is having a lot of trouble with competitiveness and being a team player," I didn't really know what to say - I was elated! I have had people that I know tell me that their child enjoyed the book or that they loved the pictures - but never has someone sought me out because another parent [who'd read the book] recommended it them. It was so validating because there is no greater thrill as a writer than to have someone talk to you about your words and how they affected their life.
I'm hoping there are only more and more of these fulfilling moments with readers as the promotion ride continues. Onward and upward with new projects to come!
Friday, June 20, 2008
What's on my mind?... Too much!
First - I'm tired of all of the judgement around me. Not necessarily directed toward me, but around me. Judging people's lifestyles or parenting; judging people's houses or cars; judging choices... I'm definitely guilty of it myself. I judge behavior but then I try to step back and think about how I can't stand to explain choices that I'm making. Honestly - I really do put myself in their shoes. One of my least favorite things in the world is explaining myself or answering questions about what I'm doing - why I'm doing it - who I'm doing it with... very frustrating in my book. Life is so short and I truly believe live and let live. My weakness in judging is when I feel like I need to protect my son from behavior or actions. We all hear, 'boys will be boys,' but there is a level of inappropriateness that I won't ignore.
Secondly - I've recently had a big life lesson in trust and integrity. I won't go into detail about it because those who betrayed my business trust don't deserve the acknowledgement in my writing. I will say it was like the wind had been knocked out of me when the breech of trust was confirmed. I literally had difficulty concentrating on anything that day and puzzle pieces started to fall into place regarding sequence of events. The only thing I can say is that integrity is a trait that I hold very near to my heart - hopefully those who have been colleagues or friends over the years know that my word is money in the bank. I come from a long line of paranoid folks...earning our trust is tough, keeping our trust is tougher, regaining our trust after it's been breeched is nearly impossible.
Thirdly (and lastly) - there has been a lot going on in my world lately and I've been a little at the end of my rope. I'm not saying that others don't have more or less going on - but in my reality - it has been a little rough. (side note - that's where some judgment comes in as well - what people have the right to be overwhelmed by - that's a blog for another day) I try to focus on what's really important to me and what's worth stressing over. Chip reminded me last night why I finally left my job to stay home (and write), that I was tired of being stressed to the limit over things that weren't important in the grand scheme of life. What is important right now is my son swimming for our swim team for the 2nd season and he's really doing great. He placed for the first time in a meet and earned points for the team - he got 4th place out of 23 swimmers in freestyle - he was super proud... obviously so am I! Go Marlins!!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
We've all got baggage. Whether it be from skeletons in the closet or relationships; one way or another we've all got it. I find myself dissecting other people's baggage a lot lately and I can't help but think of my own. Upon my recent "dissection" I've come to realize that you can't move on in a relationship - any relationship - and just have a regular relationship without acknowledging the old baggage. A lot of the scenarios around me have been mother/daughter relationships but obviously it can be father/son (those that explore feelings), husband/wife, sister/sister... whomever. The tricky part to acknowledging old baggage is that sometimes you have to shrug your shoulders and realize that the other person is not going to validate the feelings you're exploring. While you are digging deeper and deeper within yourself to assure the stop of spreading like behaviors, you may realize the other half of said relationship doesn't agree with your assessment of how things have "gone down." This part really stinks - I've witnessed it in others and experienced it myself and I've gotten to the point where I literally shrug my shoulders and smile and understand that it's not going to change and there's nothing I can do about it. There is zero that I can do to change anyone else's behavior. I can only control how I handle their actions or words. It makes me come across as uncaring sometimes, but on the contrary if I let myself react the way my insides want to react, nothing good would come of it. To let my feelings out, I just vent to my husband (who is a great listener) and move on. If the issue is with my husband - that's a different topic altogether! The problem is that pesky baggage... when a smaller problem comes up with the same person, it becomes worse and worse over smaller and smaller things. They can call and you get annoyed when they leave a voicemail in a certain tone of voice or make the slightest gesture and it makes your blood boil.
The interesting thing to me is that there is always a flip side to the baggage. The other person either has their own baggage which has contributed to their actions or just a completely different perception of their actions. Usually getting to the bottom (or even little glimpses) of other's baggage, we come to a great respect for why they do the things they do. It's amazing the way things kind of fall into place when you are thinking of why someone is the way that they are... Aha!
My cousin gave all of the women in my family the movie "The Joy Luck Club" a few years ago for Christmas. This movie basically shows the progression of trickled down baggage from one generation to the next and how it shaped who these women became. To clarify - by baggage I mean things that people carry around with them - be it a certain childhood or a previous relationship (romantic or otherwise) - they carry it with them and it makes us who we are. Either we've overcome some baggage and we're stronger or it's in the back of our minds and it cripples us in ways. There are a couple of analogies (both happen to be travel related) that Chip and I use often when it comes to relationships. #1 - you have to secure your own oxygen mask before you help someone else (IE - you have to be okay with your own issues before you can be a positive entity in a relationship) #2 - if your arms are filled with your own suitcases at baggage claim, don't offer to help someone else get their bag off of the belt (IE - how in the world can you fit anyone else's "baggage" into your life if you are up to your eyebrows with issues of your own?) - know your limitations sometimes emotionally to have emotional room for what's important.
Old baggage isn't anything that people really think about often until they are ready to throw the phone across the room when they don't like how someone ended the conversation. That's not the kind of thing that bothers you unless you have old "stuff." You have to care about the person because people you don't care about don't make you angry - for long anyway. You can get angry because someone cut you off on the road or took your parking space or said something ridiculous in front of you; but lingering anger comes from caring.
My advice - try to resolve old issues before they eat away at you. Don't let the other person's actions effect your progress. If they refuse to acknowledge or validate your feelings - come to acceptance of who they are on your own.... I know it's much easier said than done. But in the end, it's your own blood pressure that is going to pay the price if you don't...
Friday, May 23, 2008
Memorial Day
As I descend from my soapbox - I salute the troops, still fighting or in memorium, and say Thank You from the very bottom of a full heart and tears welling.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Spring has Sprung... Just in time for Summer!
I'm hoping since Parker and I have planted a little veggie garden, I'll find inspiration while nurturing the tomatoes, cucumbers, and squash! Here's to making my tan thumb a little green...
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Last Gush... I promise!
See if this works a little easier for folks because there have been some problems with opening the video previously inserted...
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
In Awe...
There are a couple kinds of people that blow me away... one is when people are amazing yet humble and the other is average people who become great (although a part of them was always great undercover). My point is that I'm not easily in awe. The day before yesterday, I opened my blog and was speechless. There was a comment with my last post that I assumed was a fellow blogger or my friend who loves to give me an encouraging word on my blog every now and then. When I put on my last post that I read a new book which I enjoyed and gave kudos, I had no idea the author of the book (Kelly Corrigan) would be reading said post and commenting subsequently. I was so taken aback because not only does she stay very busy with a family and writing career of her own, but in addition has speaking engagements and fans out the wazoo to correspond with daily. I'm deeply touched that she took the time to comment and was only regretful that it was one of those times that I just wrote and wrote but didn't really proof - I thought 'I can't believe the sentence structure and wording that she's seeing... not to mention the fact that I really didn't recap fully what the essence of the book was because I didn't want to give anything away to anyone who may want to read it...' my own insecurities but I wish I had taken a little more time before posting if I thought about anyone but own group reading it! Needless to say I have told anyone that I have referred the book to that there was a surprise comment on my latest blog post and it just endears them even more so to The Middle Place (cover pictured above). Anyone who reads it... I would love to chat about it if you'd like. It really resonated within me on so many levels.
I'm in the process of applying to be on the Governor's board of visitors to VCU... (Governor Tim Kaine) - keep your fingers crossed on that one. I just feel so passionate about VCU and hopefully it will be reflected in my application. I definitely realized how "undecorated" I am until I filled out the application - asking what appointments I've received in the past; which merit awards and/or scholarships I've received previously; which degrees or honorary degrees I possess... I've got a BA in English which I am extremely proud of, but an honorary PhD I'm not! Hopefully passion will supersede awards and honorary degrees! My mom, who is contemplating applying for the very same appointment, has definitely instilled a drive in me that can challenge those blank spots on the app... we'll see how it goes down :)
Saturday, April 19, 2008
New Beginnings
I'm also working with some folks at VCU to continue with the sale of the book but maybe in a different direction. Not sure how that works as there have been lots of shifts around. Getting back into town and back of the swing of things has taken all week! I couldn't believe it took that long, but between the house, activities at school, t-ball, and meetings... it's already Saturday!
I'm hoping to work a book fair at the end of May and it may be the swan song for promotions (for right now anyway). I've been able to do so many great things with the book and promoting has been great - but I think it's time (unless of course I get special requests). I'm absolutely ready for some new beginnings in the literary world. Speaking of literary... I just read a great book recommended to me by a friend called "The Middle Place," by Kelly Corrigan (Sp?). It's autobiographical and her story about a father-daughter survival story. She battled breast cancer and her father (and his family) had a history of prostate cancer - the story really revolves around her being someones daughter while balancing the childhood of her own children and the fact that they needed her. It was touching and entertaining and I could really relate to so much of it. 2 thumbs up!
Who knows what the next month has in store... stay tuned!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
April Fools!
Back to fun stuff ~ April Fools! I would've loved for my message last night to have been a prank from the fun loving publisher, but it was a couple of hours too early pacific coast time! I played a few pranks this morning - switched out my husband's contact case for one with just solution, switched my ipod for his (to which he's addicted) and gave my son water instead of the allergy medicine (which is clear) that he was wincing to take. It was pretty fun - I also emptied my hubby's underwear drawer by hiding every pair... my son enjoyed some green milk with his cereal ... hopefully he'll enjoy his lemon wedge mixed in with his orange slices I put in his lunch :)! That'll teach them to fall asleep before me...Have a great April Fools everyone!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Live, Love, & VCU Basketball!
Monday, February 25, 2008
Pies, Pies, Pies!
It was so much fun to brainstorm with the students - especially the ones who were really into it. It is kind of tough to stay focused (for me anyway) when I would see some students who thought I was the most boring person in the universe - but that was definitely not the norm amongst this group. I'm going back this week to do some one on one editing with the students on their own pieces. I am really looking forward to it. I would post a picture but I need to clear permission first!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
I love Willow Tree Sculptures - especially because their titles are so short but meaningful. I think my favorite ones are "Peaceful" and "Grateful." I don't have grateful but it's on my list! Gratitude is something I forget about sometimes and get caught up in everything that's annoying me instead of focusing on what truly (at the core) makes me grateful. One of those things I was reminded of last night as my husband repeated our son's prayer for the night to me. When Parker prays with Chip, Chip encourages him to thank God for one specific thing from his day - yesterday he said he was grateful that he gets to see me. I was floored - he said he loves to see me because it makes him feel good. The reason it floored me was because he is an absolute daddy's boy - admires everything Chip! The fact that my boy sees me more than really anyone in his life (maybe a tie with his teacher now) and still gets happy when he sees me - that's what I'm most grateful for!
I am also grateful that I have a book that people are able to read... even people I don't know. That is my favorite thing about writing - I can reach people (if not with this book, hopefully with books and articles to come) that I don't even know. I love it when people talk to me about my words. I'm still a beginner in the grand scheme of things and I'm still so green in so many areas, but I'm very grateful for the occasional editors who take the time to give me feedback and edits rather than just rejections!
I guess I'm trying to focus on the things I can change rather than the things that I can't - (I've never been to an AA meeting, but I can absolutely respect the serenity prayer!). Who knows - hopefully it will help cushion the blow from some of the rejections...
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
A Great Moment...
Friday, January 25, 2008
My Birthday Wish...
Friday, January 18, 2008
It's not you, it's me...
The funny thing is that men don't have that problem - my husband has different degrees of friends - almost seasonal friends if you will. Friends that he talks to much more during certain sport seasons. Most men could care less if one of their buddies includes someone else and not them on activities. If they do, 9 times out of 10 it's because the woman in their life pushed them into being bothered by it (which they probably still aren't bothered but say they are to get the woman off of their back). Women who try to arrange their husband/boyfriend's social life is very annoying - ex: 'Oh -so and so is just going to be hanging around the house on Saturday, why don't you have Bob call him to do something.' Ugghh ... that's a whole other topic all together.
My trouble is that I give way too much personal info too quickly when I'm building friendships - this gives leverage in the friend transition stage. I end up trying to prove that I can open up and in doing so go way overboard in that department. Let's just cut each other some slack... like I always say about my son - there are much worse things in life than having too many people enjoy your company. Put yourself in other people's shoes when it comes to friendships - don't act like the stalker friend who spies to see who went where with whom and when... I've seen it done - trust me; it's not pretty.
Here's to friends who pan out - you know who you are
Thursday, January 10, 2008
So far so good...
I went and spoke with a 1st grade class earlier in the week and the class was adorable! They were so attentive and asked really good questions about the book, writing, VCU, and me. One of my nephews was in the class and his classmates made him feel lucky because he can look at the book any time he wanted to - very sweet. They wrote me the cutest "Thank you book" wherein each of them took a page to write a note and draw a picture - some were of me reading and some were of basketball and some were of them with me. Very creative and thoughtful of the teacher.
There are a few fresh ideas floating in my head, but I feel like I should sharpen some old manuscripts first. Sometimes it's good to let a 1st draft breathe for a little bit to get fresh ideas in and old ones that seemed fun at first out. It does frustrate me that there are some stories that I've submitted over the years that are technically still in limbo. You never know - I had an e-story published after the company called about a submission from a year and half prior. I'm absolutely not complaining, but I am so impatient - that's tough for me.
Hope everyone else's '08 is "so far so good" as well!~