Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Trial and Error

Since I quit my job eight years ago, I have made it my mission to learn more about home improvements. Within my first few months, I painted several rooms, doors, replaced our back screen door, installed crown molding in my spare room, replaced some light fixtures and redecorated my son's room. I loved going through Lowe's and Home Depot and trying to see what I could do around my house and the folks working there were always very helpful in telling me which materials/tools I needed for what. It didn't take me long to realize that it was an expensive hobby and we were not a two income house anymore (after of course buying my drill, power sander and jigsaw).
Surveying my work, I realized that although I love learning how to do new things and being much more self sufficient around the house - my impatience takes over inevitably. Paint gets on the ceiling, cut lines are uneven, the crown molding isn't completely flush where the wall meets the ceiling... but I tried. More recently, after months of getting quotes on replacing our front porch and side porch railings, I decided to do it myself. I researched the products, tools needed, and waited for a sunny day... yesterday was the day. I bought my supplies and took out my saw - set up a work station in the front yard and got started. After 5 hours of hand sawing and jigsawing, I mis-measured the top railing... after some adjustments I attached the balusters and secured the top rail - I was excited to see it was on (one side anyway). The only problem is that the railing is for the height of a small child or a little person! After a pat on the back of encouragement and a polite suggestion that I call a professional - Chip reminded me that I should be proud of even trying (which made me feel good). Even better was our shared amusement of my handy work... oh well - the only true failures come from those who don't try.

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