My first job was teaching cheering part time at a summer camp. My sister got me the job within the daycare/preschool she had already worked with for several years prior. Every summer, she handled the summer camp that was on location offsite. It was a great job and at sixteen, I got attached very quickly with the majority of the kids in attendance. I say the majority because some were there full time and some weren't. I stayed on subsequent summers helping with the camp in cheering and counseling capacities and this led into me working at the main center on the weekends and holidays. Once I graduated from high school, I worked there part time through college and eventually became the camp coordinator myself as well as teaching a few classrooms of my own. My point in this ramble down memory lane is that over the course of some pretty formative years of my own (high school, college, engagement, and marrying my hubby) I grew to know hundreds of kids both at a distance and pretty well. I worked at the center for seven years all told and during this time I saw these kids as more than just a job. I would venture to say that I'm not alone among other teachers or care providers in getting attached to the kids for which you give care. You are with these children from early morning until sometimes dinner and beyond. If you were like me (and my sister), you socialized with these families - you babysat for them for weeks at a time when their parents traveled - you knew how to console them or what they were sensitive about. It was always a little weird for me when I would run into families that didn't remember my name (obviously not the ones I babysat for) but I knew their child so well and the child knew me. I would always throw them a bone by re-introducing myself all the while being totally offended that these people entrusted me with their child for 40+ hours a week but couldn't bother to learn my name.
Which leads me to the topic/question at hand... To Creep or Not to Creep?? That is the question. With modern times and Facebook connections, It's so hard not to friend the kids that I used to spend so much time with. I love knowing how they are, where they are (or have gone) to college, if they are married or have kids (yes it was that long ago!). For the most part they don't remember me - some do if I babysat them a lot - and I wouldn't weird them out by "friending" them. There have been a couple that I have done that with but that's if they are already friends with a niece or nephew or if my sister has gone out on that limb first :). I'd love to hear from other teachers/child care providers that have run into the same dilemma... how do you just let go of the wonder?
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