Thursday, December 27, 2007


Christmas has passed (a couple of days anyway) - my house is still crazy with stuff every where, but it was a great holiday. My son had "the best Christmas in the world" which I love. He was so grateful even over the smallest gifts... that meant a lot. Santa brought him a Nintendo DS and I am all for him playing it and enjoying himself since he just got it - but at lunch or dinner with just me; not so much! We went to do some after Christmas shopping yesterday and then got some tacos - I purposely did not let him bring his DS because he needed a break and I wanted to enjoy him. At the table beside us, this boy and his father were sitting together. The boy played his DS the whole time and his father played with his blackberry the whole time. We were there a good 45 minutes and neither one of them looked up for a second. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure there will be a time that I meet a friend for lunch and want for Parker to occupy himself - I'll be honest - I'm not above it! :) But that definitely got to me a little - I want to be able to enjoy my boy while he still has time for me!!

Happy New Year!

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