Monday, August 18, 2008


Sometimes time is a good gift to give. It's free, it definitely always fits, and it's almost always appreciated (almost always). Lately it seems as though everyone is going a million miles per hour and for what? At the end of the day can we truly feel as though we've put a lot of time into improving our quality of life with all of the runnings here and there? Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of people who do some of their runnings to be with people who mean something to them or for someone who means something to them - these are the notches on our 'to do' lists that carry some weight. In the past couple of weeks, I've really taken some time out for some things that are important to me - letting people know how important they are to me, having pedicures with the ladies in my life, spending time with a good friend who's getting ready to have her second baby in 3 days... the important time investments. Another thing I took time out for recently was visiting a local organization called Childsavers. It is a group that helps children through developmental issues through trauma, birth, or abuse - it was a great place; warm, welcoming, private, and energetic. I was put into contact with them by my pal Brooke (the aforementioned pregnant one :) who has volunteered with them on several events over the past couple of years. We jointly donated 35 books to them and I look forward to learning more about them and volunteering more time.

Time is a funny thing - it seems endless on occasion but we have to remember that it isn't. Time is definitely a gift and not an infinite one. Take mental snapshots every now and then and create your own memories. Filling your time with things that mean something to you (even if they don't mean anything to others around you) is what it's all about. In my neck of the woods, the sun is shining, my hummingbird feeder is inhabited, and we're healthy... not a bad way to pass my time today.

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