Monday, February 14, 2011

And the award for worst mom goes to...

Okay - so I have always been that mushy gushy overly cutesy holiday loving gal who everyone wants to hide from... you guessed it - holiday clothing, jewelry, decorations (for most holidays throughout the year)... I'm a sucker for it!! For St. V Day - I've loved the heart shaped sandwiches, balloons, cupcakes, heart shaped rice krispie treats, ziploc bags that are pink and red, fun lover sayings on shirts for my son (kid friendly :)... you get the idea. Well a couple of years ago, I finally accepted the fact that I have a son who would rather poke out his own eye than wear that to school or do anything cutesy for Valentine's lovey dovey pipe dream would come to an end. It has slowly dwindled to a nice dinner out with both of my boys and that would be that - I've accepted it - I decorate around our house because a nice love-filled surrounding is a pick me up. This year especially would get kind of swept under the rug as it's a school night AND both my son and husband have basketball practice for the majority of the evening.

Here's where the worst mom award comes into play... I went to have lunch with my boy at his school as a Valentine's surprise. Not only was there nary a pink, purple, or red cloth or jewel adorning my person but I also didn't cut any one's sandwich into a heart or have heart shaped snack cakes for dessert! I'm trying to blend in to appease him and he turns to me and says, "Mom, are you going to have my Valentine's treat for me when I get home?" I looked at him, trying to hide my sheer panic and said, "Maybe," He smiled a huge gratified smile and said, "Yea! Maybe means YES!" I kind of smiled on the outside but on the inside was panic stricken - 'Crap - I have nothing for him for Valentine's Day!!' I have since left his school - stopped by a store and bought a couple of things to make the afternoon and evening a little better. My only plan was to go for a nice walk since it's a beautiful day here in good ole Richmond, VA...

My take away lesson in all of this is that I should go with my natural instinct - next year he's getting me coming to school with a homemade jewel encrusted crown... who knows, I do have a whole year to plan after all :)

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