Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Serendipity: Fact or Myth... or cute RomCom with John Cusack

I've been thinking a lot lately about how things happen for a reason - I'm convinced now more than ever. Some occurances are a little more private and don't need to be blogged about but for those that can be shared... here it goes. Last week, a midwestern teen died instantly on the basketball court after making the game winning shot against a rival team. One minute he was posing for pictures with teammates and being hoisted in the air by fans - and in the next instant he's collapsed on the court. He suffered cardiac arrest as a result of an enlarged heart. This made me instantly think about my uncle who died several years back (in his late 50's) on the dance floor with my aunt. He had his favorite cocktail in one hand and twirled his wife with the other - seconds later collapsed from cardiac arrest as well.
I don't want it to be lost on me that both of these deaths, while extremely heartbreaking and tragic, happened doing what they both loved doing. I know not everyone is so lucky but if we focus on the clouds, we will most definitely miss the silver lining.
Don't get me wrong, I can absolutely focus on the darkness as much as the next guy - but this is what I'm trying to shift. I suffered a mini-stroke back in the Fall and my cloud is that I am going to need to be aware of my internal workings for the rest of my life but my silver is that it wasn't a full blown stroke and my dependence on others is temporary - I'm also able to hug my son with the use of both arms - not everyone can say the same.
Hopefully this won't drag down those reading this but rather lift you to a different way of looking at situations... as opportunities and not always coincidence.

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