Wednesday, September 7, 2011

September 7th...

When my husband and I are looking at old pictures from college or our wedding or sports pics when our son was in preschool, we often look at individual people and discuss how different their lives are from the time of the snapshot. Several wedding guests are no longer married or friends and family have passed away or had several children or been paralyzed or moved to another country - life changes and sometimes we don't know why but if we're lucky we can appreciate it anyway.
10 years ago today I found out I was going to be a mom... life changing to say the least. I remember like it was yesterday being in the doctor's office by myself and being frozen in time. I got in the car and sat stunned praying to my grandmother (and Chip's), literally out loud asking these women to surround me in my mothering quest as it was complete uncharted territory.
It's one thing to babysit or to be an aunt but to be a mom was totally different - 24/7 dependence and were we up to the task? If there is ever a cure of being selfish or self absorbed, it's being a mom; at least for me that was the case.
The anticipation of telling everyone and how was probably the most excited since so many of our family members had kids already but technically the first to find out were Chip's students.... I sent him flowers to his classroom with a card that said, "You're going to be a GREAT dad!" That's how he found out and he called me from his classroom immediately and couldn't hide it from his students, whom he adored.
Four days later everyone's world was shaken but that's a blog for another day...
I feel like every time I write, I'm writing about learning something new through our son but it's so true - they aren't always things I want to learn (like the words to "Goofy Goober" or what the best cleaning methods for pee behind the toilets) but they are lessons none the less. If you had told me 10 years ago that I would be staying home - I wouldn't have seen it... but I'm glad I would have been wrong.

1 comment:

NickHanson said...

Hey Steph! This is Nick Hanson and I just came across your blog. It's so neat to read because there is a lot I have never heard or known about Chip between 1995 and 2005. I love hearing all your stories when we hang out and I will keep looking for blog posts as I try to catch up on all your writing. Good luck! If you have time you might like this blog: It's my girlfriend's blog and she, like you, is an aspiring author.