Tuesday, October 11, 2011

My cup runneth over - spilling actually!

There are some times when I wish I could buy more memory for my brain just like for the computer or extend a day to satisfy all of the needs in front of me... and sometimes, not. The times when I do feel this way, I remind myself that if I did have those extras - I would just fill those also. Just like when you get a new computer or ipod with higher memory, you find ways to fill it before you know it. When you outgrow your house and move to a bigger one, somehow that one becomes too small quickly - can I get an Amen!? My point is, it's not about the time that we have or are given - it's about how we spend it. It's not just the tasks and to-do lists, it's also what we let in our emotional to-do list (or as I like to call it, my "wheel-house of worry"). If I let all of the crud in, soon there won't be any space for the stuff I have no business making time for - ie my homework trips to Starbucks with my son in the afternoons or walks in the mornings with friends.

One of my favorite quotes of all time is from Bill Cosby...

"I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody."


Skamamama said...

As steph I love this insight!

ladibradi said...

Amen!! Great way to look at it, thanks for sharing!

Pierce said...

Sometimes a simple housecleaning does the trick for me. Hope you get it all sorted out.