Friday, January 27, 2012

Another Year...

Every year when I celebrate my birthday, I can't help but think of my age... the number. I don't feel like it's old or anything, but I think of where my mom was in her life when she was my age or how old I thought my relatives were when they were my age. I think about my childhood/high school friends who had birthdays within a few weeks of me and celebrating our 16th and 18th birthdays together and here we are decades later which is so hard to believe. I reflect on other birthdays and try to put myself back in that moment in time. Putting myself in my childhood downstairs bathroom for my 12th birthday when my sisters made me play spin the bottle with a boy down the street and them timing our kiss in front of the bathroom mirror. During my 10th birthday, which was a snow day, putting my new dollhouse together and seeing the Challenger explode on TV with my sister Michelle. Being set up on a surprise blind date on my 18th birthday which wasn't so fun. Having a surprise 16th birthday party thrown for me by a friend and loving all of the attention because the boy I liked was there. Being toasted by my husband's fraternity brothers in their chapter hall for my 21st birthday. Visiting my grandfather in the V.A. hospital for my 5th birthday and getting ballerina Barbie. Celebrating my 30th birthday with my friends and family having the ladies in my family all chip in to make it memorable. Falling in the snow and stumbling (a drunken mess) for my 28th birthday and my son cracking up at mommy because he thought I was trying to be funny (I was driven there and back BTW) - I believe this was also the birthday that I called my father and thanked him for fertilizing my mother's egg to create me... I'm kind of a happy drunk.

The older I get, some things become different and some remain constant. I am not so concerned about presents and don't really need a birthday cake anymore. I do love the reminder that I am surrounded by some thoughtful and loving people. Over the past year or so, I lost sight of that a little (or was distracted from that) but I'm back focused again.  Whether you are reading this as a stranger or my friend or my family, thanks for being a part of this year's memories.
My mom and I on my 20th Birthday...

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