Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Good Life

As I thought things were only going to get busier in the next couple of weeks - I need to remember my busyness is (sometimes) within my control. I'm sitting in my bed with my laptop on my lap, my son cuddled up to my arm and comfy pillows behind our necks. It's rare that he just wants to sit with me, but the fact that we are taking time to just sit and relax together (not run from this appointment to that practice) is really what the good life is all about. My signing is coming up this Friday and I have several other things that have been consuming my brain power, so taking time to just enjoy my son is the best. I asked Parker to help me write my latest blog - I asked him what the 'good life' is all about for him - what makes him happy. He said seeing his cousin Austin and his mommy and daddy make him happy. That's it - my window of cooperative togetherness was finished after that response. When I asked him if he had anything else that made him happy, he responded with the word 'no' several times to the tune of the theme from a Disney Channel show! I guess the point to all of this is that my husband and I are always telling our son what we should be grateful for (simple things)... food, our house, each other, being healthy, making it home safely from a trip; but I need to remember these things myself. It's so easy to think of what you don't have and dwell. In reality, there will always be something. There are a lot of people in my life that have things I would love to call my own, but they have bigger things to envy at that point... I repeat: There will always be something you need or need to do. So join me in my quest to appreciate those moments (like right now for me) where we can just sit and enjoy that (0r those) which makes up our good life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The best blog you have ever written! Thanks for putting it all into perspective. You knwo this and we all know this but if you don't stop to smell the roses, life will pass you buy with trying to "achieve the good life" or what others think the good life should be all about.