Saturday, July 5, 2008

The Ride Continues

So this has been a crazy ride through promoting and such a learning experience - which has been immeasurable. The ride continues. I will continue promoting my book and spreading the message of teamwork into the end of the summer and into the Fall. I am really excited about being able to take advantage of the (upcoming) basketball season and the fact that the VCU Rams truly are great team players and there aren't any "ball hogs" - those of you who have read the story understand why that's important - is just icing on the cake. Coach Grant is an amazing coach (and person) and it is an honor for me to have a story with which he is a huge part. For right now (to anyone who isn't in a marketing or promoting state of mind this might be tough to understand) I just continue to move forward finding new opportunities and markets to promote the book. In the Fall, I'll start to really focus on new projects and submitting. There are new marketing opportunities every day and until I decide to stop the promotion, I'll continue full force. When people ask me what's new and I say that I'm still promoting, I think they look at me like I'm crazy because there has been so much of it already.
Something neat happened the other day at my son's swim meet. A fellow swim parent came up to me - an acquaintance at the time whom I had seen around the pool - and said, "Your book was recommended to me because my son is having a lot of trouble with competitiveness and being a team player," I didn't really know what to say - I was elated! I have had people that I know tell me that their child enjoyed the book or that they loved the pictures - but never has someone sought me out because another parent [who'd read the book] recommended it them. It was so validating because there is no greater thrill as a writer than to have someone talk to you about your words and how they affected their life.
I'm hoping there are only more and more of these fulfilling moments with readers as the promotion ride continues. Onward and upward with new projects to come!

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