Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Best date ever, but don't tell my husband!

My son and I had the best date tonight - great relaxing dinner... we got dressed up and went to a nice restaurant in a neat area -just the two of us. After dinner we shopped - my son's suggestion and he absolutely detests shopping - but he suggested it because he knows it's something I enjoy. I guess you can't really understand the enormity of the sweetness behind that gesture unless you know how much he can't stand shopping! I have been instructed to run all errands and do all shopping while he's at school... This was perfect timing. I've been really stressed with too many thoughts of the book and launching and what I can do separately for my friends and family who have been so supportive through everything - not to mention worrying about if people are going to like it - so this evening was so perfect on so many levels. It really went straight to my heart. Also the fact that there was a little while there where he would rather pull his arm off than talk to me let alone go somewhere with me. Great night!! I'll treasure it always...

1 comment:

Marsha said...

Oh my gosh! I have tears in my eyes. I love the picture of you and Parker in the hammock. It reminded the kids and I of all time we've spent in your backyard and you guys in ours. We miss you so much! I love your entry about your date night. Parker looks like such a handsome gentleman. =) I even got nostalgic seeing Short Pump mall in the background!